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Comeshare elevates reviews by empowering Airbnb guests, allowing hosts to grow positive reputations and increase booking rates.

Background & Problem

Airbnb Experiences are exciting activities people can join. Before joining an experience, people searched the reviews for reference and validation. Still, Airbnb’s review display was text-heavy and long, distracting potential guests and reducing joined guests’ willingness to write a review. However, people are familiar with the posts and stories featured on social media.

Concept & Solution

Comeshare is a redesigned review experience in the Airbnb app, turning guests into promoters, and allowing them to share their adventures by shortening text, and focusing on images, and videos. This system is adapted to what people are used to becoming a gallery for other guests to enjoy. Comshare brings the conversation back into Airbnb, increasing visitors' curiosity and raising booking rates.

8 Weeks
UI/UX Design



Comeshare - Belong anywhere, share to everyone

There are five features: discovery, exploration, validation, sharing, and evaluation, that follow the app visitor's journey from becoming a guest to sharing and evaluating the experience.

In-depth Research


While the short-term rental category struggles with the unique housing resource fight, Airbnb debuts online experiences as unique activities.

In 2016, Airbnb started offering an "Experience" service, which connects local tour and activity providers with travelers who want to experience unique adventures they can't book anywhere else. It became a new channel for people to find their sense of belonging. However, from my survey, only 9.5% of people booked experiences. In interviews, people mentioned relying on guest reviews as great validation.


Positive reviews and trust are crucial for driving event bookings, but reviews can be contentious and subjective.

According to the infographic analysis from Invesp, 88% of consumers trust online reviews just as much as personal recommendations. However, reviews can be biased by personal preferences, creating a gap between expectation and reality. Plus, due to the time-consuming nature of writing a review, it can be hard for hosts to get enough guests to write about their experience.

How might we help Airbnb revive positive market discussion and engagement?


Posts and stories are also types of reviews.

According to Facebook's survey, 67% of travelers use Instagram to find inspiration for where to travel to and reviews for what to do. My survey also showed 81% posted their travel experiences on social media, and Instagram got a higher percentage among all social media choices.

Target Audience

Use Social Media Habits to Improve Airbnb App Features.

I discovered that using a social media-style post as a review makes it easy for guests like Emily to share their experience through photos and videos, giving potential visitors a range of cool visuals to check out.


Reimaging Airbnb Review System, Turning Guests Into Promoters.

By adopting features similar to Instagram and other popular social media, people will spend less time typing out a review. They can share their experiences with just a few words and visuals, increasing their likeliness to write one. Reading reviews will become enjoyable and seamlessly link to the booking page without external app transitions.



In-depth research and investigation help me to create a user journey and prototypes.

I used the opportunity map and business canvas to understand the current business structure. Then, I validated assumptions and gathered inspiration through surveys and interviews. Based on my findings, I created a persona and journey map to better empathize with user needs and improve the overall experience.

Airbnb's exclusive housing listings attract more guests, but when competitors offer unique housing, it can lead to price competition. Unfortunately, post-service conflicts between hosts and guests can also eat into revenue.

User journey Map

After gathering user feedback, I created a journey map to pinpoint pain points, identify design opportunities, and develop strategic solutions that address users' needs and concerns.

Wireframe And User Flow

The user flow basically has 3 phases - choosing an experience, during the experience, and after the experience.

Reflection & Takeaways

There are many underlying costs behind a business.

When I made the business canvas, I tried to include all the costs and possibilities I could think of. But with a complex business like Airbnb, there are just too many hidden costs to cover everything.

A journey map is really helpful when figuring out the features and layout.

Before I made the journey map, I had tons of ideas and couldn't decide which solutions to include. But once I finished the map, I could pinpoint the pain points and choose features that fit the strategy.

Design is an iterative process.

When you go from wireframe to prototype, the result can change a ton. The wireframe is typically rough, but when I made the low-fidelity prototype, I had to adapt it to match the current Airbnb app. I had to decide what to keep and what to replace, like whether to add a new button for a function. After a lot of thinking and tweaking, many low-fidelity features got moved or thrown out in the final prototype.

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